Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Recycle Town! Get Play Structures, Bikes, Sand Boxes and More For Less!

In my husbands Environmental Science class he went on a field trip to our local dump!  There he discovered an exciting place called Recycle Town!  Here people can come and search through many items that were taken to the dump but that are still usable.  There were many things from bikes, play structures, books, doors, windows, sinks, tubs, toilets, pipes, lumber, clothing, toys, furniture, desks, tables. bookshelves, TV's, car parts, tools, and more!

You can buy these items for a fraction of what they would cost new.

My husband got our daughter this play structure with a slide for $10.00

Here's the website for Recycle Town in Sonoma County, California if you would like to check it out yourself! http://www.garbage.org/

I also know people who have gone to the dump/ landfill in Santa Cruz County California and traded some metal items for metal pogo sticks!

Check out the dump in your area to see if there's something like Recycle Town near you!

Photos taken by my husband. (:

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